Regulations on the Chungcheong Mathematical Society Academic Award
- Established October 25th, 2019
Article 1 (Criteria, Purpose)
As part of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society project, the CMS Academic Award (hereinafter referred to as the Academic Award) is established and operated.
The purpose of the Regulations is to set the general matters concerning management of the Academic Award.
Article 2 (Divisions of Award)
The award consists of four divisions:
1. Academic Achievement Award
2. Lifetime Achievement Award
3. Mathematics Education Award
4. Excellent Paper Award
Article 3 (Qualifications for divisions)
1. Academic Achievement Award : Awarded to Society members who have dedicated many years in Mathematical
research and making outstanding academic achievements with great contribution to the development of
the Society.
2. Lifetime Achievement Award : Awarded to Society members who have greatly contributed to the development
of Chungcheong Mathematical Society.
3. Education Award : Awarded to Society members working in Chungcheong Province, who have greatly
contributed to regional human resource cultivation through years of educating, writing and
lecturing in the field of mathematics.
4. Excellent Paper Award : Awarded to members of the Society who have greatly contributed to the
development of mathematics through participating as the author in a highly outstanding paper
published within the last five years.
Article 4 (Timing of Award)
The award is conferred at the General Assembly.
Article 5 (Deciding the Winners)
1.The winners of each award shall be decided in the CMS Academic Committee through discussing, deliberating,
and voting process.
2.The Academic Committee shall keep the records of all matters concerning the Academic Award by making
the minutes.